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Rugged Wrist

Rugged Wrist

Rugged Wrist is a family business that started in Excelsior, Minnesota. Its simple, elegant design touched the hearts across 11 countries and tested on the roughest, our four-legged furry family. Each piece has been lovingly hand-made one by one, using locally-sourced, the highest quality, timeless material, for both human and hound. 

The inspiration has been none other than Hudson!, the family Golden Retriever, in addition to the laid-back lifestyle and rich culture in the Lake Minnetonka community.

Proudly designed, engineered and hand-made in U.S.A.!

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Rugged Hudson Dog Leash: Rainbow on Natural ropeRugged Hudson Dog Leash: Rainbow on Natural rope
Rugged Hudson Dog Leash: Knotted Yellow on Light Blue ropeRugged Hudson Dog Leash: Knotted Yellow on Light Blue rope
Rugged Wrist Dog Collar Red and Gold RopeRugged Wrist Dog Collar Red and Gold Rope
Rugged Wrist Hudson Dog Leash: Gold and Red RopeRugged Wrist Hudson Dog Leash: Gold and Red Rope
Rugged Wrist Dog Collar in French Presley Rope with tasselRugged Wrist Dog Collar in French Presley Rope with tassel
Rugged Wrist Dog Collar in Gold Olive Rope with TasselRugged Wrist Dog Collar in Gold Olive Rope with Tassel
Rugged Wrist Dog Collar and Leash in LolaBarksdale Rope with TasselRugged Wrist Dog Collar and Leash in LolaBarksdale Rope with Tassel
Rugged Wrist Dog Collar in Olive Green Rope with TassleRugged Wrist Dog Collar in Olive Green Rope with Tassle
Rugged Hudson Collar: Bubble Gum Pink
Sold outRugged Hudson Leash: Bubble Gum Pink
Rugged Hudson Collar: Gold with Fluorescent CitrusRugged Hudson Collar: Gold with Fluorescent Citrus

3 colors available

Rugged Hudson Collar: Petite Confetti with Red
Rugged Hudson Collar: Seersucker PastelsRugged Hudson Collar: Seersucker Pastels

3 colors available

Rugged Hudson Collar: Gold Confetti with Red
Rugged Hudson Leash: Petite Confetti with Red
Sold outRugged Hudson Leash: Gold and BlackRugged Hudson Leash: Gold and Black
Rugged Hudson Leash: Seersucker with PastelsRugged Hudson Leash: Seersucker with Pastels

4 colors available

Rugged Hudson Leash: Gold with Fluorescent CitrusRugged Hudson Leash: Gold with Fluorescent Citrus

3 colors available

Rugged Hudson Leash: Gold Confetti with Red
Rugged Hudson Collar: Rainbow on NavyRugged Hudson Collar: Rainbow on Navy
Rugged Hudson Leash: Rainbow on NavyRugged Hudson Leash: Rainbow on Navy
Rugged Eleanor Bracelets: Red&White NavyRugged Eleanor Bracelets: Red&White Navy
Rugged Eleanor Bracelets: Patriot NavyRugged Eleanor Bracelets: Patriot Navy
Rugged Eleanor Bracelets: Seaweed OliveRugged Eleanor Bracelets: Seaweed Olive
Rugged Eleanor Bracelets: Gold OliveRugged Eleanor Bracelets: Gold Olive
Sold outRugged Hudson Leash: Red&White NavyRugged Hudson Leash: Red&White Navy
Rugged Hudson Leash: Patriot NavyRugged Hudson Leash: Patriot Navy
Rugged Hudson Leash: Seaweed OliveRugged Hudson Leash: Seaweed Olive
Rugged Hudson Leash: Gold OliveRugged Hudson Leash: Gold Olive
Rugged Hudson Collar: Seaweed OliveRugged Hudson Collar: Seaweed Olive
Rugged Hudson Collar: Gold & OliveRugged Hudson Collar: Gold & Olive
Rugged Hudson Collar: Red&White NavyRugged Hudson Collar: Red&White Navy
Rugged Hudson Collar: Patriot Navy with Leather buckleRugged Hudson Collar: Patriot Navy with Leather buckle
Rugged Hudson Collar: Watermelon, NavyRugged Hudson Collar: Watermelon, Navy
Rugged Hudson Collar: Salmon, NavyRugged Hudson Collar: Salmon, Navy
Rugged Hudson Collar: KeyLime, NavyRugged Hudson Collar: KeyLime, Navy
Rugged Hudson Collar: Citrus, NavyRugged Hudson Collar: Citrus, Navy
Rugged Hudson Leash: Watermelon, OliveRugged Hudson Leash: Watermelon, Olive

1 color available

Sold outRugged Hudson Leash: Salmon, OliveRugged Hudson Leash: Salmon, Olive

1 color available

Rugged Hudson Leash: KeyLime, OliveRugged Hudson Leash: KeyLime, Olive

1 color available

Rugged Hudson Leash: Citrus, OliveRugged Hudson Leash: Citrus, Olive

1 color available

Sold outCuff Bracelets: Black titleCuff Bracelets: Black title
Sold outCuff Bracelets: Gold titleCuff Bracelets: Gold title
Sold outCuff Bracelets: Silver titleCuff Bracelets: Silver title
Rugged Hudson Collar: Watermelon, OliveRugged Hudson Collar: Watermelon, Olive
Rugged Hudson Collar: Salmon, OliveRugged Hudson Collar: Salmon, Olive
Rugged Hudson Collar: Citrus, OliveRugged Hudson Collar: Citrus, Olive