2017 calendar Common Cause
2016 is drawing to a close. Ginger and Bear give thanks we still have one another in the family to hang onto.
To welcome 2017, we are helping to distribute the 2017 calendars from the combined efforts of Animal Lovers League, Causes for Animals, Cat Welfare Society and Exclusively Mongrels.
For any number of calendars bought through our webstore, we offer free delivery.
About the calendar......
Four different animal welfare groups with a common cause, come together again this year to raise funds to see the shelters through another year. The costs to taking care hundreds of animals is beyond our imagination. Not to mention the efforts in rehoming, rehabiliate.
Read about each of the four welfare groups. The 2017 calendar features the many Singapore Special dogs and cats. The beauty of Singapore Specials, everyone is unique. Pictures in this calendar are so beautifully taken to showcase the lovability of each animal.
And you shouldn't miss Vespa, the cat who takes his own selfies!
Apart from watching these awesome dogs and cats daily, reading dates and days, the calendar when placed on your working desk, can serve to inform your colleagues your whereabouts, "At meeting", 'On holiday", "Out of Office", "Party time". How cool is that?!
Calendars are available at $10. Buy it for yourself, friends, family and colleagues. It makes a perfect Christmas gift. You never know how a small gesture like this can influence and help pass on something beautiful.
Proceeds from sale of this calendar will be distributed equally among 4 welfare groups.
Support them now!
Connect with the shelter;
Animal Lovers League: Facebook, Offical Website
Causes for Animals: Facebook, Official Website
Cat Welfare Society: Facebook, Official Website
Exclusively Mongrels: Facebook